Subscription Policy

Subscription Policy When you choose to subscribe, you will receive regular deliveries based on the duration and frequency you select. Your payment information will be securely stored, and you will be charged for each delivery unless you opt for advance payment. Certain subscriptions may automatically renew at the end of the specified period. If you wish to discontinue a subscription, you have the option to cancel it. To manage your subscription or make changes, you can easily do so at any time. The order confirmation emails you receive contain links to your order, where you can access your subscription settings. For more information regarding returns and refunds, please refer to our Return/Refund Policy.


IMPORTANT NOTICE: You must carefully read and agree to our terms of servicedisclaimerage policyreturn/refund policy, and privacy policy before making a purchase or using our products or website. By making a purchase or using our products or website, you agree that you have read & agreed to all of the linked policies & related items. See Important Notice.